About Us

1. Why The 4th Dimension?
In science the 4th Dimension is commonly associated with infinite time. What better term for
a photo? After all, pictures just make us timeless, don’t they?
2. What inspires you? – A few things:
  • Chaos – for giving us our creative edge
  • Untamed love and emotions
  • Nature’s beauty, color and light – and last, but not least …
  • People – living everyday life in their unique and extraordinary way
3. How do you approach your photography assignments?
Methodically … to complement the madness …
4. On the average – how many shots do you take during a wedding (event)?
However many shots your wedding (event) allows us to take…
5. What equipment do you use?
Canon, Canon and more Canon. Yes, we are partial!
6. Do you have a “signature” pose?
We believe that everyone looks beautiful at a certain angle with a certain light. That said, one of our favorites is the pose that best depicts our subject’s beauty: the split second when a bride looks like a princess; or the glow of love streaming out from a couple… As for us, we also like you when you feel “goofy”. In short, we can be traditional or modern, but if you feel like having some fun – we will give you that memory for the years to come.
7. Do you apply any artistic effects to your photos?
Years ago a small town photographer said: “If you cannot express it with the camera, the darkroom will not help you!” A lot has evolved in today’s industry: the 35 mm was replaced by digital; the darkroom stepped down to Photoshop and the “old school” photographer started converting to “a geek with a camera”. We chose an alternate path – we always utilize the artistic capabilities of the lens first. If an extra artistic effect will enhance the beauty of the subject and turn the photo into a bold statement – consider it done.
8. Black-and-white or color?
Hmmm … the chicken or the egg question … How about both? It is the content of the photo that determines its best presentation. We balance traditional “black-and-white” with bold and vibrant colors. Sometimes we go a step further by featuring a single color accents on a “black-and-white” image. Do we favor any of them? – No: we find them to be equally beautiful and artistic.
9. How would you rate your style?
We have never been much for labels. Our work shows us implementing a variety of styles: traditional, photojournalistic, artistic… We are not an average textbook type photographers, either (Lord knows, we have broken the rules of “proper” photography). In short, we love incorporating a variety of styles in our work, in order to best tell the story of your event.
10. Who is the 4th Dimension Photography?
We are two individuals with a deeply rooted passion for the traditional and contemporary photographic arts. Photographing numerous events in the Greater Asheville area and overseas, combined with our individual skills in journalism and computer graphic art and design, has given us unique experience and placed us out of the average scope of traditionalism. It is equally enjoyable for us to cover a wedding, a private party, a concert or a charitable event. And if we have managed to put a smile on people’s faces with our actions and work – well, that says it all. We are looking forward to meeting you!